A friend of mine once remarked that anyone can make a spring garden because Mother Nature does all of the work. Well, spring is over. I've been planting seeds and deadheading and weeding and I'm about to do some ripping out. I need to be feeding if I expect to have very many more roses before next spring. The lemon basil is up and I am beginning to see some bean green. I have beet and cilantro seedlings and the Thai basil is poking up.
We had both boys home for the last weekend in May and that was so great. We will all be together again for Steven's graduation on June 14 in Santa Barbara.
This small quilt was what I came up with for February 2008 and the G4 challenge of Crazy, Crazy in Love, Crazy Love, or whatever the challenge was. I found these “crazy” log cabin blocks in my WIP file. They were inspired by a quilt by Jean Wells.
Lovely, Joan. You certainly have an "eye" - keep up the good work. Del
I'm crazy in love with your "Crazy in Love."
Very much full of life and color.
What is a WIP file please? Thanks.
Joan, you inspired me. So, I tried one of my own. Here: http://eileen-themissingpiece.blogspot.com/2010/06/art-quilt-4-wonky-log-cabin.html
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