This is the quilt that I made for Voices in Cloth 2010. When I began my Faces project on 1/1/2010 I considered it a daily practice project. I tried not to think about what I was going to do with the work. I had another idea for a quilt for the show but somehow, I couldn't get motivated to make the other quilt. As the deadline for submissions neared, I received encouragement to experiment with pieces I had been "sketching." I took the first 49 faces and thought of them as an "album" and stitched them together with bits of hand-dyed cotton. I'll try to remember to take a picture of it as it is hanging at the show. Each of the faces measures about 4-1/2" square. The quilt is about 31" square.
The other "issue" is that the fabric for the squares has changed over the course of the project. Initially, I started with something that I had for another project, already sandwiched. It was a pale batik, cotton batting, and fusible interfacing for the back. It was 4 inches wide. It required no planning or thinking. I used it for Nos. 1-3. I was unable to find any more of that so I bought something else. I ran out of the second fabric at No. 69. Of course, I could find no more of that either but I did find something close to the first fabric. I am thinking about changing to print cloth when I run out of the third fabric.
This is so excellent! What a great format for all your faces. This is one of those pieces that will have a big crowd standing in front of it carefully examining each face.
Looks fantastic. I think using a variety of fabric will give the resulting body of work more texture. Congrats to you for staying with this.
It is neat to see all those faces together.
I can't wait for your report on the crowd reaction.
This is just so wonderful.
So Joan, really nice going! I'm hearing about it in tuesday night's class. Missing you...
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