I’m amazed that my blog is still here. I was afraid it had been re-possessed. I’m not amazed at how long it’s been since I posted. Chaos. My life is chaos.
Andrew went back to Santa Barbara and started summer session. Steven is catching up on a year’s worth of lost sleep. He must be growing!
What have I been up to? I’m trying to clean up my "studio," lovely space that I took over when Steven left for school. Can you guess that he’s trying to re-claim it? It is upstairs, over the garage, in the trees, and is a perfect space for playing video games and watching movies with friends (in addition to being a perfect studio space). I will feel really good about organizing everything, when it’s done, even if I am giving it up temporarily.
I moved my quilting set-up into Andrew’s room: He probably won’t be home for six weeks. I picked up my new "table" from the plastic guy and it’s terrific. I had a piece of fin-ply (4' x 4') that we put on the carpeting when the boys were little and wanted a hard surface on which to build blocks and set up their Brio trains. I save everything! I had the plastic guy cut a hole in it for my sewing machine and then he put formica on it. It is heavy but lovely.
I had two pieces on my design wall and I pieced one of them last night, tentatively known as Kelp. My plan is to quilt a small piece, The Leftovers, as a kind of "practice" piece. Next in the queue is the Postcard Quilt, and then the new piece, Kelp.
I’ve been studying my camera and hope to post some new pictures.
Oh! And I said "No" twice this week. It was really good.
Little Fat Birds #7
1 day ago
I enjoy reading your blog and seeing what you've been up to, especially about the boys as I have 2 high schoolers myself and wonder what this next phase of my life will be like.
I can relate about saying "no", too. Congrats on being able to do it. I didn't do it last year when I should have and now I find I've lost several friends and have left the quilt guild from guilt because I couldn't do the job I got talked into doing. sigh. Maybe *that* will teach me!
Saying "no" is a good thing. Another good idea is to say "I'll get back to you after I have a chance to think about it." People answer "yes" so easily to things and get all bound up in stuff. So HURRAH FOR YOU FOR SAYING NO.
Also, why can't your son stay in his brother's room instead of you having to move your studio? Obviously, I am a selfish non-parent.
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